The Ultimate Buffalo Chicken Burger Recipe: Spice Up Your Grilling Game

Who doesn’t love a good burger? But let me tell you, once you’ve tried a buffalo chicken burger, there’s no going back! I remember the first time I sank my teeth into one of these spicy, juicy creations – it was love at first bite. Today, I’m excited to share my ultimate buffalo chicken burger recipe that’ll knock your socks off! Trust me, your taste buds will thank you. Let’s dive in and spice up your grilling game!

Did you know that Americans consume over 50 billion burgers a year? That’s a lot of patties! But here’s the kicker – chicken burgers are becoming increasingly popular, with a 22% growth in menu appearances over the past four years. And when you combine the tangy, spicy kick of buffalo sauce with a juicy chicken patty, you’ve got a winner on your hands!

Now, I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve had my fair share of buffalo chicken burger fails. There was that time I scorched the outside while leaving the inside raw (yikes!), or when I went overboard with the buffalo sauce and couldn’t feel my tongue for hours. But hey, we live and learn, right? Through trial and error (and maybe a few tears), I’ve perfected this recipe, and I’m thrilled to share it with you.

So, whether you’re a grilling novice or a seasoned pro, this recipe is gonna be your new go-to. It’s perfect for summer BBQs, game day parties, or just when you’re craving something with a kick. Plus, it’s healthier than your average beef burger – bonus points for that!

Alright, enough chit-chat. Let’s get our hands dirty and make some mouthwatering buffalo chicken burgers!

Ingredients You’ll Need

Okay, folks, let’s talk ingredients! You can’t build a masterpiece without the right tools, and you can’t make an awesome buffalo chicken burger without the perfect mix of ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need to whip up these bad boys:

  • 1 pound ground chicken (I prefer thigh meat for extra juiciness, but breast works too!)
  • 1/4 cup buffalo sauce (plus extra for brushing)
  • 1/4 cup breadcrumbs
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 2 green onions, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 4 hamburger buns
  • Blue cheese or ranch dressing (because, let’s face it, you gotta have one or the other!)
  • Toppings: lettuce, tomato, red onion, pickles (customize to your heart’s content!)

Now, let me tell you a little secret – the buffalo sauce you choose can make or break your burger. I learned this the hard way when I used a sauce that was all heat and no flavor. My poor guests were chugging water like it was going out of style! So, don’t skimp on the sauce. Go for a good quality one with a balance of heat and tanginess. My personal fave is Frank’s RedHot, but feel free to use your own preferred brand.

Oh, and about those breadcrumbs – they’re not just filler! They help bind the meat together and keep it moist. I once tried to be all “healthy” and skip them. Big mistake. My burgers fell apart faster than my New Year’s resolutions. Learn from my fails, people!

As for the toppings, feel free to get creative. I’ve tried everything from avocado to fried onion strings. The sky’s the limit! Just remember, the goal is to complement the buffalo flavor, not overpower it.

One last tip – if you’re feeling fancy, try toasting your buns with a bit of garlic butter. It adds an extra layer of flavor that’ll make your taste buds do a happy dance. Trust me on this one!

Alright, now that we’ve got our ingredients sorted, let’s move on to the fun part – actually making these delicious burgers!

Preparing the Buffalo Chicken Patties

Alright, folks, roll up those sleeves because it’s time to get our hands dirty! Preparing the perfect buffalo chicken patty is an art form, and I’m about to share my secrets with you. So, let’s dive in!

First things first, grab a large mixing bowl. This is where the magic happens! Start by dumping in your ground chicken. Now, here’s where I made a rookie mistake when I first started making these – I used to just throw all the ingredients in willy-nilly. Trust me, there’s a method to the madness.

Add your buffalo sauce, breadcrumbs, and beaten egg to the bowl. Now, get your hands in there and mix it all together. But here’s the catch – don’t overwork it! I know it’s tempting to keep squishing and mixing, but resist the urge. Overworking the meat will make your burgers tough, and nobody wants that. Mix just until everything is evenly combined.

Next, sprinkle in those finely chopped green onions. They add a nice subtle flavor and a pop of color. Then, add your garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Again, mix gently to distribute the seasonings evenly.

Now comes the fun part – forming the patties! Divide your mixture into four equal portions. I like to use a kitchen scale to make sure they’re all the same size, but eyeballing it works too. Just don’t be like me in my early days when I’d end up with one massive patty and three slider-sized ones!

Here’s a pro tip I learned the hard way: make a small dimple in the center of each patty with your thumb. Why, you ask? Well, burgers tend to puff up in the middle when cooking, and this little trick helps them keep their shape. I can’t tell you how many times I ended up with burger balls before I figured this out!

Once you’ve got your patties formed, it’s time for a little R&R – for the burgers, that is! Pop them in the fridge for about 30 minutes. This chilling time helps them firm up and hold together better on the grill. I know, I know, waiting is the hardest part. But trust me, it’s worth it. Use this time to prep your toppings or, hey, maybe enjoy a cold one. You’ve earned it!

Oh, and one last thing – if you’re not planning to grill right away, you can totally make these patties ahead of time. Just layer them between pieces of parchment paper in an airtight container, and they’ll keep in the fridge for up to 24 hours. Talk about convenient!

Alright, with our patties prepped and chilling, we’re one step closer to buffalo chicken burger nirvana. Up next, we’ll talk about how to grill these bad boys to perfection. Get ready, because things are about to heat up!

Grilling Your Buffalo Chicken Burgers to Perfection

Alright, grill masters (and aspiring grill masters), it’s showtime! This is where we transform those carefully crafted patties into mouth-watering buffalo chicken burgers. Now, I’ve had my fair share of grilling mishaps – from charred hockey pucks to undercooked chicken nightmares. But fear not! I’m here to guide you through the process so you can avoid my rookie mistakes.

First things first, preheat your grill to medium-high heat. You want it hot enough to get those beautiful grill marks, but not so hot that you incinerate the outside while the inside’s still raw. I learned this the hard way at my first backyard BBQ – let’s just say my friends still tease me about the “buffalo charcoal burgers”!

Before you slap those patties on the grill, here’s a crucial step: oil those grates! Nothing’s worse than watching half your burger stick to the grill when you try to flip it. I use a paper towel dipped in vegetable oil and hold it with tongs to wipe down the grates. Safety first, folks!

Now, it’s time for the main event. Place your chilled patties on the grill and let them sizzle. Here’s where patience is key – resist the urge to constantly flip or press down on the burgers. I know it’s tempting (trust me, I’ve been there), but this will only squeeze out all those delicious juices we’re trying to keep.

Grill each side for about 5-6 minutes. While they’re cooking, brush the tops with a little extra buffalo sauce. This not only adds more flavor but also gives them a beautiful glaze. Just be careful not to go overboard – I once got a bit too enthusiastic with the sauce and ended up with a sticky mess all over my grill!

Here’s the most important part: food safety is no joke, especially with chicken. Use a meat thermometer to check that the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C). Don’t rely on color alone – chicken can be fully cooked and still have a pink tinge, especially when it’s mixed with red sauce.

Once they’re done, take ’em off the grill and let them rest for about 5 minutes. I know it’s hard to wait when you’ve got these spicy, juicy burgers calling your name, but this resting time allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat. Trust me, it’s worth the wait!

Oh, and here’s a bonus tip: while your burgers are resting, throw your buns on the grill for a quick toast. It adds a nice crunch and helps prevent them from getting soggy from all that delicious buffalo sauce.

And there you have it! You’ve just grilled some perfectly juicy, flavorful buffalo chicken burgers. Pat yourself on the back, grill master! Now, let’s move on to the fun part – assembly and toppings!

Assembling Your Buffalo Chicken Burger

Alright, folks, we’re in the home stretch! You’ve got your perfectly grilled buffalo chicken patties, and now it’s time to turn them into the ultimate burger experience. This is where you get to let your creativity shine – but don’t worry, I’ve got some tried-and-true tips to guide you.

First up, let’s talk buns. Remember those buns we toasted on the grill? Grab ’em and let’s get started. Now, I’m a firm believer that a good sauce can take your burger from great to mind-blowing. For buffalo chicken burgers, you’ve got two classic choices: blue cheese or ranch dressing. Personally, I’m a blue cheese fan – that tangy, creamy goodness pairs perfectly with the spicy buffalo flavor. But hey, if you’re team ranch, I won’t judge (much). Spread a generous amount on both halves of your bun.

Next, let’s talk veggies. Start with a crisp piece of lettuce on the bottom bun. This isn’t just for health points – it also acts as a barrier to keep your bottom bun from getting soggy. Soggy buns are the nemesis of good burgers, trust me!

Now for the star of the show – place that beautiful, juicy buffalo chicken patty on top of the lettuce. Take a moment to admire your handiwork. Looks good, doesn’t it?

Time for more toppings! I like to add a slice of juicy tomato, some thinly sliced red onion for a bit of bite, and a couple of pickle slices for that tangy crunch. But here’s where you can really make it your own. Love avocado? Throw it on there! Can’t get enough cheese? Add a slice of pepper jack for extra spice. The world is your burger topping oyster!

Here’s a pro tip: if you’re a true buffalo sauce aficionado like me, drizzle a little extra sauce over your toppings. Just be warned – it might get messy, but hey, that’s half the fun! I once went a bit overboard and ended up with buffalo sauce on my nose. My friends still haven’t let me live that one down!

Now, carefully place the top bun on your masterpiece. Give it a gentle press – not too hard, we don’t want all those toppings squishing out the sides. And voila! You’ve just assembled the ultimate buffalo chicken burger.

One last piece of advice – grab some napkins. Trust me, you’re gonna need ’em. These burgers are juicy, saucy, and downright delicious. They’re not first-date food unless you want to end up looking like you’ve been in a buffalo sauce warzone!

Tips for the Best Buffalo Chicken Burgers

Alright, burger enthusiasts, gather ’round! I’m about to drop some knowledge bombs that’ll take your buffalo chicken burger game from amateur to pro. These are the tricks I’ve learned through years of trial and error (emphasis on the error part – you should’ve seen some of my early attempts!).

First up, let’s talk about that meat thermometer I mentioned earlier. Seriously, folks, this little gadget is a game-changer. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cut into a burger, thinking it was done, only to find it still pink in the middle. Not cool, especially with chicken. A meat thermometer takes the guesswork out of it. Aim for 165°F (74°C) in the thickest part of the patty. It’s not just about taste – it’s about food safety too!

Next tip: don’t overwork the meat when you’re mixing your ingredients. I know it’s tempting to keep squishing and squeezing, but resist the urge! Overworking the meat can make your burgers tough. Mix just until everything’s combined, then step away from the bowl. Your taste buds will thank you later.

Remember that dimple I told you to make in the center of each patty? Here’s why it’s important. As burgers cook, they tend to puff up in the middle, giving you more of a burger ball than a patty. That little dimple helps the burger keep its shape as it cooks. I learned this trick after serving one too many softball-shaped burgers!

Here’s a pro tip: let your burgers rest for about 5 minutes after they come off the grill. I know, I know, it’s hard to wait when you’ve got these spicy, juicy beauties calling your name. But trust me, this resting time allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, making every bite as juicy as possible. Think of it as a mini vacation for your burgers before their big debut!

Oh, and here’s something I wish someone had told me when I first started making these: don’t be afraid to adjust the amount of buffalo sauce to your liking. Some like it hot, some like it mild. Experiment until you find your perfect balance. I once made the mistake of using extra-hot sauce without tasting it first. Let’s just say my guests were breathing fire for the rest of the night!

Last but not least, have fun with your toppings! While lettuce, tomato, and onion are classic choices, don’t be afraid to think outside the box. I’ve tried everything from crispy bacon to grilled pineapple on these bad boys. Some combinations work better than others (note to self: pickled beets and buffalo sauce do NOT mix), but that’s half the fun of cooking – trying new things!

Remember, cooking is an adventure. Don’t be discouraged if your first attempt isn’t perfect. Heck, my first buffalo chicken burger was so dry it could’ve been used as a frisbee! But with practice (and these tips), you’ll be grilling up burger perfection in no time. Now go forth and grill, my friends!

Variations to Try

Alright, culinary explorers, now that you’ve mastered the classic buffalo chicken burger, it’s time to spread your wings (pun absolutely intended) and try some exciting variations! Trust me, once you start experimenting, you’ll be hooked. I’ve had more fun playing around with this recipe than a kid in a candy store!

First up, let’s talk about stuffed buffalo chicken burgers. Oh boy, these are a game-changer! Imagine biting into your burger and being greeted with a gooey, cheesy surprise. Here’s what you do: take your chicken mixture, form it into thin patties, place a chunk of blue cheese or mozzarella in the center, then fold the meat around it and reshape into a patty. Grill as usual, and voila! You’ve got a burger with a molten cheese core. Just be careful on that first bite – I once got so excited I burned my tongue on the hot cheese. Totally worth it, though!

Next up, how about buffalo chicken sliders? These are perfect for parties or when you just can’t decide between having one or two burgers. Make smaller patties, use slider buns, and you’ve got yourself a fun, bite-sized version of our favorite burger. Pro tip: make extra, because these little guys disappear fast! I learned this the hard way at a Super Bowl party – they were gone before I even got one!

For my health-conscious friends out there, let’s talk turkey. Yep, you can totally make these with ground turkey instead of chicken. The flavor profile is similar, but turkey tends to be a bit leaner. Just be extra careful not to overcook them, as turkey can dry out quickly. I once served turkey buffalo burgers that were so dry, my friends jokingly asked if we could use them as coasters!

And for my veggie-loving pals, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you! Vegetarian buffalo “chicken” burgers are totally a thing, and they’re delicious. You can use plant-based chicken substitutes, or get creative with chickpeas or lentils. Mix in the buffalo sauce and spices, form into patties, and cook them up. Even my die-hard meat-eating friends have been known to snag one of these off the grill!

Here’s a wild card for ya: buffalo chicken burger bowls. Ditch the bun and serve your buffalo chicken patty over a bed of greens with all your favorite toppings. It’s like a buffalo chicken salad, but heartier. This is my go-to when I’m trying to cut back on carbs but still want that buffalo chicken fix.

And finally, for those nights when you’re feeling fancy, how about a buffalo chicken burger with a twist? Try topping it with a dollop of guacamole for a creamy contrast to the spicy buffalo sauce. Or go for a Hawaiian-inspired version with a grilled pineapple ring and teriyaki sauce. The possibilities are endless!

Remember, cooking is all about creativity and having fun. Don’t be afraid to try new things – some of my best recipes have come from “happy accidents” in the kitchen. So fire up that grill, gather your ingredients, and let your culinary imagination run wild. Who knows? You might just create the next big thing in burger world!


Well folks, we’ve reached the end of our buffalo chicken burger journey, and what a ride it’s been! From mixing up those perfectly seasoned patties to grilling them to juicy perfection, we’ve covered all the bases to help you create the ultimate crowd-pleaser.

Remember when I told you about my first attempt at these burgers? The one where I nearly set my eyebrows on fire with too much hot sauce? Well, look at us now! We’re grilling up gourmet-level buffalo chicken burgers like pros. It just goes to show, with a little persistence (and maybe a fire extinguisher on standby), anything is possible in the world of cooking!

The beauty of this recipe is its versatility. Whether you’re hosting a backyard BBQ, meal prepping for the week ahead, or just satisfying a late-night craving, these buffalo chicken burgers have got you covered. And with all the variations we’ve discussed, you could eat a different version every day of the week! (Not that I’ve ever done that… okay, maybe once during a particularly ambitious cooking spree.)

Remember, the key to a great buffalo chicken burger is in the details. Don’t skimp on the quality of your buffalo sauce, keep an eye on that internal temperature, and most importantly, have fun with it! Cooking should be an adventure, not a chore. And trust me, the more you make these, the better you’ll get. Before you know it, you’ll be the go-to burger guru in your friend group!

So, what are you waiting for? Fire up that grill, gather your ingredients, and get ready to sink your teeth into the most delicious buffalo chicken burger you’ve ever tasted. And hey, if you come up with any cool new variations or topping combinations, drop a comment below! I’m always on the lookout for new ideas to spice up my burger game.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, all this talk about buffalo chicken burgers has made me hungry. I think it’s time for me to practice what I preach and whip up a batch of these bad boys. Happy grilling, everyone!

Buffalo Chicken Burger

Buffalo Chicken Burger

These Buffalo Chicken Burgers are packed with spicy flavor, topped with tangy hot sauce and creamy blue cheese coleslaw for the perfect kick!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4 Burgers
Calories 317 kcal


  • 1 lb raw 98% lean ground chicken breast
  • ¼ cup panko breadcrumbs
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 scallion sliced (green parts only)
  • 1 teaspoon dried parsley
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ¼ teaspoon dried dill weed
  • 3 ⅓ tablespoons Buffalo Wing sauce divided
  • 1 cup undressed coleslaw mix (found bagged in the produce section)
  • 3 tablespoons light blue cheese dressing
  • 4 hamburger buns (I used Martin’s Sandwich Potato Rolls)
  • 4 lettuce leaves


  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the ground chicken, panko breadcrumbs, egg, scallions, parsley, salt, pepper, garlic powder, dill, and 2 tablespoons of wing sauce. Mix everything together with a fork until well combined. Shape the mixture into four equal patties and place them on a platter or cutting board.
  • Optional/Recommended: Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour to allow the flavors to meld and the patties to firm up.
  • When ready to cook, lightly coat a nonstick grill pan or skillet with cooking spray and heat over medium. Cook the burger patties for about 5 minutes on one side, then flip and cook for an additional 5 minutes until fully cooked through.
  • While the burgers are cooking, mix the dry coleslaw mix with blue cheese dressing in a separate bowl until well coated.
  • To assemble, place a lettuce leaf on the bottom half of each bun. Add the cooked burger patty, drizzle with a teaspoon of Buffalo wing sauce, then top with ¼ cup of the blue cheese coleslaw. Finish with the top half of the bun.
Keyword Buffalo Chicken Burger

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